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Energy Cybersecurity: Protecting Critical Communication Assets

Energy Cybersecurity: Protecting Critical Communication Assets presents a three-pronged approach to utility cybersecurity, a topic that has received heightened attention for well over a decade. Avtec will focus on system and application security. Cisco will discuss network considerations and vulnerabilities, including securing various network infrastructures. Contego will review self-assessments, NIST and NERC-CIP compliance, vulnerability, penetration, and white-box/black-box testing.

Using "cybersecurity ecosystem" as an apt model and metaphor--one where each party is ultimately accountable for a piece of the interconnected solution--the presenters will also review the critical role and responsibility a utility has in protecting its electronic security perimeter and assets. This must-attend webinar will examine best practices for utilities to ensure they are implementing appropriate internal controls and processes, exercising due diligence, and staying up-to-date on the latest security threats and weaknesses, including how to best achieve these goals when working in tandem with operating system and hardware vendors.